Geography 3033: Meteorology
Time offered: Summer Session 3 (June), M-R, 9:00-11:40 A.M.

Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide you with an understanding and appreciation of weather phenomena, while providing a solid background for further study in meteorology. Although modern meteorological research is highly quantitative, the basics can be taught qualitatively, making frequent use of charts, graphs, tables, and simple equations. While there are no prerequisites for the course, each student is expected to be able to read and quickly interpret maps, diagrams, charts, graphs, etc. This course carries the General Education (N) designation.

Course Grading -- A >= 90%, B >= 80%, C >= 70%, D >= 60%, F < 60% of the 1000 total points available:
Course Schedule -- The course closely follows the textbook's organization, Meteorology Today, by C. Donald Ahrens, 10th edition (2013):

Some useful weather links:

The Weather Channel

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

National Weather Service -- Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN)

National Weather Service -- Southern Region Headquarters

NOAA Homepage

Oklahoma Weather Roundup

Regional radar

Go back to "The World According to Jon"

Last Updated: 16 March 2013
Oklahoma State University
Department of Geography
Stillwater, OK 74078